Section � CS187

Greg Detre

Wednesday, October 02, 2002


works back from goal

depth-first search


:- is an <- (implication arrow running backwards from forAll)





������ loads


no notion of falsity � only �can�t prove�





������ loads prolog


swi prolog


need to use �assert� when within the prolog bit


it can hang in an infinite loop

e.g. certain tautologies


when it gets really large, it�s often best to use it to query an external DB

it sorts things by cost (I thought it sorted things chronologically by when entered into the DB)


scott adams � wrote early text adventures � funny recording of a lecture

how would you do this two-word (verb-noun) system?

lookup table for pairs relativised to room/context

state of the world

or: invisible objects (e.g. lever-A-has-been-switched)

just keep a binary list of verbs that are applicable at a given moment

maintain place-states crossed with player-states


each object maintains a list of the verbs that work on them (if there aren�t too many verbs in the system)

m (verbs) x n (nouns) � finite m actions with stereotyped results

make it more powerful by adding made-up verb-phrases, e.g. �light-with-match candle�


limits complexity � can�t combine >1 object at a time

supplementary questions

difficult to ask questions � you can use interrogatory verbs (e.g. �examine�)

what is a verb anyway?



presentation is available online


�cut� operator

doesn�t Prolog get really slow???

american football text adventures on mobile phone

�NLP �service� or �oracle��???